KNITTED JUMPER budget version HERE and HERE
Autumn is my favourite time of year, I love it because I can wear my favourite fabrics; knit wear and leather. I can also layer up. Another secret reason why I love Autumn and Winter is because I am so anti social. I love staying in watching films and Netflix and when it’s raining no one can moan at me about sitting in doors all day. When it’s sunny I feel pressured to go outside just because the suns out. How miserable am I? London is great in the winter, there is so much to do (inside) however in the summer I think it’s not so great. Everyone rushes outside like a heard of animals trying to get in the sun (remember that Boots advert?) In the summer you can’t get a seat in the park or in a beer garden, the weather is to humid and grass gives me hay fever and then I have an asthma attack. So yeah, I am not a lover of the sun unless I am in LA or on the beach.
Back to knitwear. Knitwear is so fab and it’s sooo good when you find an epic knitted sweater. This one was a tad pricey but in my next article I am going to share with you the most amazing sweater that was £35, it’s doesn’t have to be expensive to be epic. I have also link similar cream co-ords in the credit that are cheaper, I also have the similar ones.
Two weeks ago I was saving every penny for my CHANEL boots, I also knew HMBALMAIN was around the corner so I was being really well behaved. I was walking Tallulah one morning, for some reason I walked to Zara instead of the park. I was super strong and didn’t buy a thing. I used my “can I put that on hold trick” please try it out, it works wonders. You get that feeling of going to the till and the thought that your potential item is safe from anyone else’s wardrobe. It also gives you time to think if you really want it.
I left Zara, and no joke; Tallulah pulled me into Joseph. There was a French Bulldog in there and she wanted to see him. She then freaked out and ran in a circle, wrapping the extendable lead around a mannequin and the mannequin’s head fell on the floor. This mannequin in question was wearing this knitted coord. It was love at first sight. It was more of a case of admiring the outfit because I knew I couldn’t spend any money and I knew it would be too expensive for me, maybe £1000.
The sales assistant asked if I would like to try it on. I said no but then immediately thought oh go on then as she told me it as the last one in store (still some left on line so don’t panic) I saw that the price was actually half the amount I imagined and suddenly it was semi affordable and I was moving money around in my head. I thought no no I can’t I want the boots but it was just so good. I text my mum asking her to buy it for me (yes I do still do that at 30 when I am desperate) she read the message and ignored me for four days.
I had to have it so there I was buying it at the till. I suddenly remembered Paris had text me asking to join us on our walk and I told him I was around Kings Road. Apparently he went straight to Zara and couldn’t find me. He then spotted me in Joseph, dam that shop for having glass window walls. He gave me the fright of my life, it was terrible timing he arrived as the lady asked me for the amount. To say the least it did’t go down well, I was lectured then entire walk home, hanging my head in shame carrying m gigantic bag. I was so happy inside though.
I have had a few people ask me why I let a man tell me what I can buy and not buy. The answers to this is because we are married and we share. I respect him enough to not spend all our money on clothes and at thirty I “should” make an effort and try my best to be responsible. However I am only human, a girl that loves fashion and I do have my moments.
Click here to shop this co ord. Click here and here to shop the budget version, which I also have.
The co word’s look great with sneakers and heels.
CC xx