For Paris’ birthday we went to St Lucia. nice hot weather whilst London is raining. I was more prepared (blogging wise) with this trip. You will notice I have paid more attention to detail and not throwing holiday snaps at you. However I still have the most horrendous camera. Actually I have decided, after I have posted this I will go and invest in an SLR camera. This will horrifi my friends even more (who call me the “the jetsetter” and now “chouquette jetset” as a joke) because this means more holiday photos!
The holiday started off dyer. We missed our gatwick express by half a second, we made our flight by five minutes and when we arrived I had NO suitcase courtesy of Virgin 🙁 I was very upset to say the least. I simply cried in the airport.
As soon as I retrieved my case I attempted to take some photos of my outfits. I have to admit I am quite lazy when it comes to packing for holiday. I don’t take my entire collection of bags or shoes, Im not fussed about makeup or accessorise like I am at home.
Hope you like.

The shoes! Jimmy Choo star high tops, grey loubountin sandals, white Louboutin wedges and a few pairs of flips flops (the ones I picked up in Bali.)