Let me start this post by telling you I have already changed my NYE outfit. Standard me, if I buy something too early in advance I usually wear it elsewhere or my plans change and I want to change my look. I was totally up for wearing this outfit from FARFETCH and this is for sure my vibe for NYE. It is still a contender but due to having a house party I think I will opt for trousers or something cosy. I am actually considering wearing my new jumper which is from the same brand as the dress and also from FARFETCH. It is a jumper that can be worn as a dress and it comes is all different colours and styles. Click here to shop the full collection, it is fast becoming one of my fave brands. This dress here is amazing and I am very tempted.
This dress just went into the sale, you can buy it here. It runs true to size, maybe a little generous. I am wearing a 42 which is a UK10 but I think 40 would have been better. It is so divine just look at those frills. I will be cutting the PVC fabric. It will be so easy as it is just a raw cut hem. The length is too long on me and a little unflattering. Always bare in mind you can tailor anything to fit your body but never take in something that is more that two sizes too big.
I paired it with my Louis Vuitton Trail boots because I liked how the PVC fabric flowed with the patent. I also needed comfort that day and these boots are sooooo comfy. For NYE I would wear my MANOLO BLAHNIK BBs in black.
Below are some party looks I have found that I would love to have in my wardrobe. Don’t forget to check out PARK 10 FASHION as most the looks I wore from my look book are in the sale.
I wore this with my new bag which you can see here in all different colours and sizes. I love this bag so much and regret returning the baby blue one that I bought in the summer. I never know how much I love a bag until I wear it. This bag is just so practical and so nice to carry. I love the top handle, the long chain, how easy it is to carry. I would love to have the leather strap but it’s an extra £500. I have linked a photo below.
If you are staying in, here are some cosy options. If you are going somewhere casual but you want to look nice then just check out my entire instagram!
If you would like to see my look from last year, you can watch last year’s NYE vlog here.
What is everyone doing this year? Do you enjoy NYE or hate it?
This year we are hosting our third NYE party in our bar. We have loved the passed two years, it’s so easy and cheap for everyone plus we get to spend quality time with each other. Thanks to this tradition I am starting to really love NYE because I can look forward to spending time with my friends and not feel too pressured to have fun or spend silly amounts of money. I also realised that I disliked NYE because it’s about celebrating that year and most of the time I (felt like I) did not have much to celebrate. Whether it was because work wasn’t great, a boyfriend dumped me or my dad was ill; all of this made me feel like I did not have much to celebrate but my mindset has totally chnaged. So if you got your heart broken this year, or work is not as great as you hoped it would be or 2017 was not the year you bought your first CHANEL bag DON’T WORRY. Heart break is part of life, it sucks but it makes you appreciate your final love when you meet them. If work is crap, it happens. I had years or crappy work but I needed to do that to get to where I am today. 2016 was not the year for my first Hermes bag so I made sure 2017 was and I bought three, who would have thought that! One amazing example is around four years ago I had a crappy crappy year. I remember NYE I was in no mood to celebrate but looking back if that “crappy” thing never had happened none of what followed soon after would have happened and I am pretty sure I would not be blogging to this level. Everything happens for a reason.
Take these sad/bad times and lessons in life that make you stronger and more hungry to suceed. The moment I did that was the moment my life changed for the better.
It is important to not put too much pressure on yourself so give yourself realistic goals and start off small. I am terrified to set myself specific goals like “I must earn X amount next year” or “I must work with X brand”. When I do this to myself the pressure gets to me and I end up watching TV. I tell myself “make next year count.” I achieve this by working as hard as I possibly can, using every hour available. If I feel I have tried my best then I can not do no more. When I try my best it always ends well. Your year won’t be perfect but the bad times will set you up for an even better year next year, bad things make us stronger and the experience makes us wise enough to avoid it next year.
This year I learnt:
Working hard pays off. For me it’s all or nothing and I choose to put my career first in 2018. I did that in 2017 and I feel happy, proud and excited. I really learnt that I love achieving.
Do not compete. Competing is draining so leave it in the playground or for sport. Focus 100% on yourself not what others are doing. This was one of the main reasons I hit all my goals this year. Not worry about everyone else (competing) is life changing. It will also help you attract other people that have the same interests.
Do not neglect your family, partner and friends. You need their friendship, love and support. You also need a break too.
Eliminate toxic people. When I use the word “toxic” it does not always refer to evil people. Some people may be lovely but your friendship is toxic, not everyone gels and that is okay. A huge lesson I learnt this year is to simply rise above it. When I hear or feel negativity I literally walk away. This is not usually how I react but it’s a new way of life for me and I love it. Don’t even argue just know in your mind who you trust and who you spend your precious time with. Toxic friendships can have a horrible effect on you performance and life day to day, so please go with your gut when it comes to who you let in your life.
To conclude; set yourself small goals. Focus on you and what you are doing and put 100% effort into what ever you do. I guarantee it will work out. If it doesn’t you can be proud you tried and you will definitely come away learning a lot.
I hope you all have a fantastic NYE and enjoy it with your loved ones looking fabulous AF.
CC xx
Photos by Paris
Such a chic look! x
Love this dress ! It’s very original 🙂